Well, there is alot happening in our new organization. On Thursday December 2, we are holding our very first support group meeting for Parkinson's in my church. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Yay cuz it is the first thing our org will be doing aside from the races. Boo cuz I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. I will say that I am so thankful to be a follower of Christ. It is such a relief to know that he is in control!
Yesterday I received a letter from the IRS about our 501c3. We will hear back about it in 90 days. So very excited about that!
I han't been running too much lately. I did 5 - 6 5k's in a row awhile back, and that ended up with a nice case of fatigue. But, now it's time to get back int it!