My Journey

Welcome to my page. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 4 1/2 years ago (just before my 33 birthday). This past year, a group of my friends, family, and I ran in an endurance run to raise funds towards awareness and finding a cure for this neurological disorder. This year, we would love to organize a race soley for this purpose. I will share my story as I try to run, and give you details on how our racing plans are going. Thanks for sharing my journey with me:o)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New challenge

I have been inspired. I saw a video of a woman who had a goal to walk again. She practiced everyday and was able to reteach herself how to walk again. It was a story off of a website encouraging people to make goals and give 100 percent of themselves. So like I said, I have been inspired to give my all. My goal... To run 5k in under 30 min by our 3rd annual Parkinson's run.

I started running in may and logging runs and races since July. So far I have put in 136 miles and ran 8 races including a half marathon. My times starting out were 36 min for a 5 k. I have dropped to 31 min for 5k so far. I have 5 months to accomplish this goal!! NOTHING is impossible!

Monday, August 19, 2013

That's what I'm talking about!!

So my summer goal this year was to run in the Biggest Loser Half Marathon with my hubby Matt and my bff Debbie. Training was hard. Once we started getting into the longer runs, my body protested - ALOT! I ended up adding a med before my runs to help from getting dystonic, and that seemed to help.

A summer full of many many runs, finally the big day had come! This would be the test of all tests! Started out feeling really really good. Around mile 10 it got pretty rough, I'm not gonna lie. At mile 12, I was blessed to have a spectator console me as I cried because I didn't think I was ever gonna make it. Then I cried once again as I did the unimaginable...I CROSSED THE FINISH LINE! PD was not the victor on this day! I overcame with the help of my hubby, my running partner, and all of the people out there who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself! (shame on me!)

If I had any advice to give, it would be to never give in to circumstances...they may make things hard, but certainly not impossible!

Phil 4:13 I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

In training...

Ok, so I am trying to step it up a couple notches this year. I am 'training' (using that word very loosely) for a half marathon in a few weeks. So far I have really only ran half of a half successfully. But I am not giving up. I am getting dystonic far into my runs, which makes going over 6 mi a little difficult. But, we are now trying to take a form a dopamine about an before my runs. It does seem to be helping some. I miss the days when I could just go out and run. Now a days, I have keep talking to myself giving reminders...flat foot, flat foot, pump arms, pump arms...I find myself mentally exhausted - lol. I still feel like God will use my running to bless others, I am just unsure how.  I will continue to trust and work my butt of to accomplish my goals... my new thought for today is...who has 2 thumbs and will be running in the Biggest Loser half marathon...THIS GIRL!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hello old me:o)

I know I keep getting sappy about all the wonderful things God has brought back into my life through dbs...but I just can't help it! This past week, I helped out with the teen group at my church's VBS. I played kick ball, capture the flag...and at the risk of bragging, I actually CAPTURED A FLAG...after falling flat on my face and convincing the nice gentlemen who was chasing me to not add to my embarrassment and tag me as I lay on the ground. He agreed, and I jumped up and got the flag. He then tagged me and ran off. I stood there waiting for someone to escort me to jail. No one off I ran with flag in hand! lol. The next day I woke up feeling like I went over Niagra Falls in a barrel!

On Monday I went to my neuro's office to get a tweaking. My reasoning was 4 1/2 miles into my 8 mile run, I became distonic and had to stop completely after 6 mi and walk the last 2. After going through several settings,, I ended up walking out of there exactly the same setting as I was when I went

I tell these stories because my complaints have def changed. Before DBS my complaints were I fall asleep while driving (not n e more), I black out when standing up (rarely), tremor in both sides now (non exsistant), can't swallow food (not so much), shuffle when walking (never), Dystonia kicks in about 5 minutes into run (hardly the case now). These are just a few that I can remember. so it is funny to me that a year later I am capturing flags, running for miles, staying awake for whole movies. driving hours with no problem...the list goes on and on. I am finally starting to recognize the girl pre-PD. I am so incredibly thankful to God for my miracle, my second chance to enjoy life. I will not take this for granted. I wake up everyday and know how blessed I am. I hope I never forget it!

Monday, April 8, 2013

What a great day!

Well, Saturday was our 2nd annual Running for a Cure 5k run/1mi walk. It was a cold but sunny day. So many people came out to support our cause. It was very humbling. I once again was overwhelmmed with emotion. So I wanted to take this time to thank the many many volunteers that dedicated their morning to this race. All of the runners/walkers who came out to show their support - about 250 to be exact! Wattsburg School District sent 15 or so people through their health and wellness program. FBO 212 sent out quite a large group also! So many friends and family and also donated items for our very first chinese auction!

God has def blessed us putting all of you in our lives. Matt and I are so blessed and truly truly grateful! THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Long time no post...

Yikes! It's been so long since my last post. I think for the new year I will make it a point to post more often. I miss it when I don't! I have securred our race date for this year - April 6! Lots of planning to do but super excited to do it! I still need tweaking for my dbs...running is still kind of difficult. Could be the extra ten I'm carrying too!

Looking back on 2012 there is alot to be thankful for. Our first race was successful, raising oveer 4000$ for APDA. Having DBS surgery changed my life and gave me so much back! We were able to share our story with so many through NBC nightly news and a great article in our local paper. We were able to take a wonderful vacation with family to Myrtle Beach. Visiting wonderful family/friends along the way. We were invited to participate in a Phinney Davis Symposium...big things for such a simple girl <3 p="p">
All in all it is a great start of a New Year. I am thankful for all of the GREAT and WONDERFUL things that happened in 2012 and look forward to 2013. God is always GREAT!