My Journey

Welcome to my page. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 4 1/2 years ago (just before my 33 birthday). This past year, a group of my friends, family, and I ran in an endurance run to raise funds towards awareness and finding a cure for this neurological disorder. This year, we would love to organize a race soley for this purpose. I will share my story as I try to run, and give you details on how our racing plans are going. Thanks for sharing my journey with me:o)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

In training...

Ok, so I am trying to step it up a couple notches this year. I am 'training' (using that word very loosely) for a half marathon in a few weeks. So far I have really only ran half of a half successfully. But I am not giving up. I am getting dystonic far into my runs, which makes going over 6 mi a little difficult. But, we are now trying to take a form a dopamine about an before my runs. It does seem to be helping some. I miss the days when I could just go out and run. Now a days, I have keep talking to myself giving reminders...flat foot, flat foot, pump arms, pump arms...I find myself mentally exhausted - lol. I still feel like God will use my running to bless others, I am just unsure how.  I will continue to trust and work my butt of to accomplish my goals... my new thought for today is...who has 2 thumbs and will be running in the Biggest Loser half marathon...THIS GIRL!