My Journey

Welcome to my page. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 4 1/2 years ago (just before my 33 birthday). This past year, a group of my friends, family, and I ran in an endurance run to raise funds towards awareness and finding a cure for this neurological disorder. This year, we would love to organize a race soley for this purpose. I will share my story as I try to run, and give you details on how our racing plans are going. Thanks for sharing my journey with me:o)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Aha Moment

Well, the videos are out. Mutual of Ohmaha aha moment tour released videos for our city July 18. I can't believe I still have such strong emotions after 6 years, but I guess that never really goes away. Just gets easier to smile through it all!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Race called life

I enjoy running. I love how it makes me feel, I love the competitivness that rears it's head during a race, I love the fact that I can get more accomplished mentally in a short 1/2 hour run  than I can thinking and planning something for days! But what I especially love about running, is the finishline! Because although I love to run...I also hate it! All of the things I mentioned, I appreciate AFTER the run is over. During the run however, I am tired and far behind wishing that either I was 16 again, or a magic road would appear that would lead me straight to the finish line!.

Sometimes I think I live my life the same way. It's a love/hate kind of thing. Sometimes I look towards the finishline before I've even begun to enjoy the race. If I would just take a minute, slow down the pace and look at all the wonderful things around me, I may be able to enjoy the race whle i'm in it instead of when it's at it's end. The finishline is inevitable. You will reach it when the race is comp;ete, but until then, don't focus on the finishline - Live your life, Love the people around you, and laugh when all you want to do is cry! Then when you finish you can be proud of your accomplihments.

Don't ever give up, keep moving forward...SLOW and STEADY wins the race!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My aha moment...

Yesterday I was given the oportunity to share my story with the Mutual of Ohmaha - My aha moment tour. It was such a great experience. I have truly been blessed through this obstacle in my life. Six years ago I was given devestating news - I had Parkinson's Disease. My next few (long) months were a blur and I'm sure came with a pity party. But after diving into God's word and having many tearful prayer sessions, I became to realize that I have the strength to endure through him. Since then, I have been blessed with two more children. I have been able to run and, with my hubby, have started a non profit called Running for Parkinson's. We have been to Washington to advocate our cause, and now I have been given this unique opportunity to share my story.

My goal has always been to never lay down, to be out there living life to show that life doesn't end after a PD dx. My life isn't what I thought it was going to be, but in so many ways it has been more than I ever dreamed it could be. I say it now and always - GOD is great!