My Journey

Welcome to my page. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 4 1/2 years ago (just before my 33 birthday). This past year, a group of my friends, family, and I ran in an endurance run to raise funds towards awareness and finding a cure for this neurological disorder. This year, we would love to organize a race soley for this purpose. I will share my story as I try to run, and give you details on how our racing plans are going. Thanks for sharing my journey with me:o)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Working hard

Saturday will be here bfore we know it. I've been working really hard to get myself in shape for the race. Running 3 mi, doing ewgobs of stairs, and today hill workout. I m sure this isn't gonna the easiest race I've ever ran. But it will be probably the most worked for in turn the best race ever ran by me. It will be a milestone that I will never forget. And I am so happy I get to share this experience with my awesome family <3.

1 comment:

  1. Angela, you are the best! I'm rooting for you!

    And I'll need your autograph once your show hits the TV!
